/ Albums / hackers

[..] [files]

This is the album working directory for the proposed album Hackers' Heaven -- the album directory might not exist yet.

If you're seeing this on the website, don't expect too much. This file is basically just a placeholder until I cook up a proper index.html file for the directory. On the other hand, if you're browsing the directory tree, you already know that I put a HEADER.html file into every directory to aid in navigation.

Annotated Contents


album-specific Makefile -- works differently depending on whether it is in the web tree or the recording tree.
the bare track list. The CD table-of-contents and the HTML track list are generated from this by the Makefile.
working notes.

Copyright © Stephen Savitzky
$Id: HEADER.html,v 1.2 2006-06-27 15:37:54 steve Exp $