Am The century is ending at last
Am And when it does your systems will crash
G When date f ields overflow it will be long ago
Am No way to be a hero
G Em E7 Am And only printed paper will surv ive Y ear Z ero
The century has ended at last
And when it did our systems all crashed
Our date fields overflow; now our programs won't go.
No way to be a hero
And only printed paper has survived Year Zero.''
Yes calendars on paper have survived... the programmers and hackers have survived... VMS and Unix have survived... the beta release of Windows Zero is expected on January $1^{\rm st}$, 1970...
Those fortunate people who have not encountered the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code will want to know that ``EBCDIC'' is pronounced ``{\sc ebb}-suh-dick.''
Stephen Savitzky
<steve @savitzky.net >
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