Hacker Paul

Lyrics © 1983, 1984 Stephen Savitzky. CC-by-nc-sa. To the tune of ``Sam Hall'' (traditional).

Lyrics [pdf] [txt] [cho]

``Sam Hall'' tells the story of a chimneysweep in the last century who moonlighted as a thief, and his defiant remarks on the way to the gallows. These days we have a different kind of spare-time criminal, who is more likely to be making his defiant remarks while on his way to the Bahamas.

C F C G7
  Oh my name is Hacker  Paul, Hacker  Paul, Hacker  Paul.
Oh my  name is Hacker  Paul, Hacker  Paul.
  Oh my name is Hacker Paul,
C G7
I des pise you one and  all,
C F C G7
You're a  bunch of users  all, damn your  eyes, damn your  eyes.
You're a  bunch of users  all, damn your  eyes.

Oh I robbed the city bank (etc.)
So you'll know just who's to thank
When your statement comes out blank, damn your eyes (etc.)

Oh I never used a gun (etc.)
A computer's much more fun,
And they can't tell what you've done, damn their eyes (etc.)

Now I work for Uncle Sam (etc.)
And my taxes are a sham
I've pulled off another scam, damn your eyes (etc.)

Now I've robbed the IRS (etc.)
For a billion, more or less,
And their computer can't confess, bless its eyes (etc.)