A Tribute to the Middle-Aged Bear

Lyrics © Naomi Rivkis; \ttto ``A Talk with the Middle-Sized Bear'' by Steve Savitzky

Lyrics [pdf] [txt] [cho]

C F C Am
You've h ad a rough j ourney; y our flight was del ayed
There's a cr amp in your legs and an ache in your h ead
C F C G C G Am
And you l ong to be b ack in y our  own  coz y b ed.
Dm G
But he's g ot his guitar and he wants you to pl ay.
C Am
Your p oint that it's midnight will f all on deaf ears--
C* F C F C G6
He's p uppy-dog eag er  and d ev il-may-c are.
C* F Am
He h asn't slept much in the l ast several y ears;
F C Csus2 C
So you're st uck with the M id dle-A ged Bear.
For the Middle-Aged Bear is a creature most rare
He's losing his memory and some of his hair
But there's half of Bob Dylan he'll play if you dare
Stick around with the Middle-Aged Bear.
He's clumsy, forgetful, ill-tempered, and shy;
His beard it has grown till it brushes his shoes
I'd warn you he growls, but I don't think that's news
But he'll shift into whimsy in the blink of an eye.
He says he's not clever, and sometimes he's right.
Sometimes he drifts off and forgets that you're there,
But his puns will get worse when it's later at night
So watch out for the Middle-Aged Bear.
For the Middle-Aged Bear is a creature most rare
If you think he's half crazy, you're one of a pair.
He'll blithely admit it and doesn't much care,
So put up with the Middle-Aged bear.
There's a rant in his journal on subjects arcane
Though the people who know say he's probably wrong;
But on good days he still writes a hell of a song,
And what he can't play he can probably feign.
He'll send you a letter; he can't stand the phone
He's convinced it'll jump him from out of thin air
He's fond of your company but easier alone
It makes sense to the Middle-Aged Bear.
For the Middle-Aged Bear is a creature most rare
His spectacles accent his nearsighted stare.
Though he thinks we don't love him, we're glad that he's there--
Raise a glass to our Middle-Aged Bear.