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http://steve.savitzky.net/Images/steve_by_freas.jpg (JPEG 1792x1200) http://steve.savitzky.net/Images/steve_by_freas_orig.jpg |
Steve Savitzky is a hacker/songwriter who learned both hacking and folksinging back in the 1960's; he discovered organized fandom and filkdom (i.e. was dragged to his first con) in 1978, and wrote his first ``real'' filksong shortly thereafter. About half of his recorded songs are about computers; some, like "The World Inside the Crystal", are even serious. His first CD, Coffee, Computers, and Song!, was released in August, 2007; his lyrics and writings are on the web at steve.savitzky.net. He and his wife Colleen were inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame in 2008. He is currently performing with Naomi Rivkis in the folk duo "Lookingglass Folk" (lookingglassfolk.com), singing folk and filk with a distinctly weird twist. His previous groups were "Tres Gique" (tres-gique.com), which he helped found in 2007, and "Tempered Glass" (tempered-glass.info), active from 2009-2011. Call him an old folkie, if you will; you can't call him an "aging hippy" because he actually remembers the '60s.
In his day job as an aging hacker (his business cards say "software architect", but we all know what that really means), he is still having fun with Linux, git, emacs, and perl, and has been known to do perverted things with macro processors, shell scripts, and makefiles. He is also a card-carrying member of the EFF, the FSF, and the ACLU.
(Editors: feel free to edit this bio to fit your program book.)