About Bleeding Time! was a bonus goodie included with a $20
preorder of Coffee,
Computers, and Song. The intent was to have a small stack on
hand so that I can hand one to somebody in exchange for a $20. They were
originally available at Baycon 2007, and a few sets are still available.
ABT is a double-session disk, with about half an hour of music and a CDROM
full of extras, including a complete copy of the publishable parts of my
It was issued in a limited edition of 256 (numbered 00-FF), with 00
and FF reserved for Interfilk auctions at GAFilk and Consonance
Note: The official directory for the album is (now) here. This directory is a copy of the working
directory, and it's updated whenever I get around to it. It includes mp3
and ogg copies of all tracks, in whatever state they were in at the end of
the day. At the moment, their undisclosed location is only available to
people who have preordered the CD. After all, they've already paid for it. The rest
of you will have to wait.
See the to.do
The album is more-or-less done. The only artwork it needs is the CD
label, and that's taken care of. It'll be a bare CD in a windowed sleeve.
(A thin case would be more expensive, a serious consideration on a $5
disk). A card or folded-over flier can be included in the sleeve. (A
postcard would have some advantages there.) A label stuck on the sleeve
is another possibility.
At the moment I'm still working on getting multisession burns to work on
my home system, and it's not clear whether I'll send it out to be burned
professionally by a short-run house, or just get the disks printed
professionally and do the rest at home (which would take longer but would
let me personalize them).
- Steve Savitzky -- vocals and guitar.
- Callie Hills -- vocals and flute on "Demon Lover", "Silk and
Steel"; flute on "Cicero in the 21st Century" and "World Inside the
- Joyce Uggla -- vocals, guitar, percussion (Worldcon tracks)
Other Credits
- Label Artwork -- Bob Daverin of Eagle Unlimited Enterprises
- Label Printing: -- ProAction
Media -- awesome.
- Disk Duplication: -- my house full of minions.
- Putting up with me, and occasional nagging as needed: -- my
long-suffering family.
- And, of course, fans and pre-order customers like you, without
whom this album would have been neither possible nor necessary.
Guitar: My gigging guitar for anything I can drive to is "Ruby",
a red-topped, thinbody Ovation CC-057. Ruby is Ovation's name for the
color scheme; it seemed appropriate. I bought her in Guitar Showcase's
consignment shop shortly before my Interfilk gig at GAFilk, and though she came with a
hardshell case she usually lives in a RoadRunner gig bag these days.
Recording equipment:
- The Baycon concert was recorded by Harold Groot on a pair of
video recorders: one hand-held, and one tripod-mounted and
recording off the soundboard.
- The Worldcon concert was recorded by Steve Savitzky using a
Griffin stereo lapel mic pinned to the back of a chair, a
Griffin iMic USB interface, and a Macbook Pro borrowed from
work. Don't quit your day job, especially if they're willing to
buy you good toys.
- The Loscon concert was recorded by Steve Savitzky using a
Behringer C2 stereo pair of condenser mics, an Edirol UA25 USB
interface, and the Macbook Pro again.
Editing: All editing is being done on a homebrew Linux box,
currently with an AMD CPU in a very quiet Antec P150 case. At one
point I was using a fanless 1GHz VIA C7 CPU, but although it did a good
job of recording scratch tracks, it didn't have quite enough computrons
for overdubbing. The soundcard is an M-Audio OmniStudio 66.
Software: The recording machine's OS is mostly Debian Etch, with
a low-latency kernel from DeMuDi, the Debian Music Distribution. All
recording and editing are being done using Audacity.
$Id: index.html,v 1.4 2007-05-22 14:31:18 steve Exp $
Steve Savitzky
<steve @ theStarport.org>